Year 7 to Year 12

The Senior Years at ºÚÁÏapp are characterised by unique learning experiences, a strong sense of purpose, deep friendships, and a vast range of opportunities.

Students in Year 7 to Year 12 are challenged to think broadly and creatively, and this is reflected in their growing range of personal and academic achievements. Our Senior Years program reflects our deeply held belief that all students have special gifts, talents and needs. It enacts our commitment as educators to bring out these gifts in each of our students; to help each student find her own voice, and, most importantly, enjoy their education.

Alongside our academic programs sits a range of co-curricular pursuits which bring additional opportunities for friendship, fun and the satisfaction of meeting personal challenges.

We offer two pathways to matriculation at ºÚÁÏapp, the NSW Higher School Certificate (HSC) and the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme. Students are guided and counselled in their choice of pathway. For more about the HSC at ºÚÁÏapp please click here. For more about the IB Diploma Programme click here. For our most recent Year 12 Results, click here.

Subject Selection

Subject selection for senior years is given careful consideration for each student at ºÚÁÏapp. When a student reaches Year 10 she will begin to refine her subject selection and Year 12 pathway, in consultation with our academic and careers staff and her family. Our understanding is that a student is more likely to achieve academically when she is studying subjects she enjoys and is well supported in her choices. ºÚÁÏapp works assiduously to build up a comprehensive and well-rounded picture of each student to assist this decision-making process.

In addition to individual interviews with all Year 10 Families, the School offers a number of other opportunities for parents and students to consult with academic and pastoral care staff.

Parent Information Nights

Parent information nights and parent teacher nights are held regularly throughout the high school years. Parents are also encouraged to contact relevant academic staff about subject selection at any time.

Senior School Pastoral Care and Wellbeing

Wellbeing is the responsibility of all staff, all the time.

ºÚÁÏapp has a series of formal and informal programs, interventions and activities that contribute to a sense of connection, belonging and positive pastoral care. They aim to develop social, emotional learning capabilities in an age and stage appropriate manner.

School Chaplains, our Counselling team, and Health Centre staff are all part of the wider pastoral care team.

In Senior School Formal Pastoral Care/Wellbeing sessions are delivered collaboratively by Luminaries, guided by Heads of Year, with oversight by the Deputy Head of Senior School – Wellbeing; the Head of Students – Year 7 to Year 9 and the Head of Students – Year 10 to Year 12.

Pastoral Care in the Senior School seeks to ensure students feel safe, valued, and known as individuals at school. A strong sense of connection and belonging are identified protective factors for wellbeing and support students to flourish. Evidence informed interventions and experiences are implemented sequentially to promote positive and prosocial relationship development with peers and staff. Specific programs also support development of a positive sense of self where students can recognise their ability to make contributions to our community. Luminary sessions are founded in the Circle solutions pedagogy aimed at development of healthy prosocial relationships.

The ºÚÁÏapp Strategic Plan, our School Mission and Values, inform our Pastoral Care and Wellbeing framework, supporting our approach and enabling strategies to ensure we achieve our vision for the ºÚÁÏapp girl.

As each girl graduates, she will be:

  • Compassionate to herself, interacting with others with kindness and celebrating diversity.
  • Courageous in her pursuits, expressing herself honestly and with integrity to live a life with purpose.
  • Capable of navigating change, showing leadership in adapting to the multiple paths that her future will take.
  • Connected to the legacy of ºÚÁÏapp, using it to inspire her to be an agent of change in her world.

Senior School Pastoral Care Team consists of the Head of Senior School; Deputy Head of Senior School – Wellbeing; Head of Students – Year 7 to Year 9; Head of Students – Year 10 to Year 12 and Heads of Year.